Mozart Requiem - Lacrimosa larghetto | Exquisite Choir & Korean Dance Fusion
Mozart Requiem - Lacrimosa larghetto | Exquisite Choir & Korean Dance Fusionn d minor, KV 626 W.A. Mozart
The opening line, "Lacrimosa dies illa," translates to "Day of tears, that day," reflecting the profound grief associated with the Day of Judgment. The lyrics continue with "Lacrimosa dies illa, qua resurget ex favilla," which means "That day of tears, when from the ashes shall rise again." This section of the Requiem is a poignant plea for mercy and a lament for those who have passed, emphasizing the vulnerability of humanity and the hope for redemption.
Experience the grandeur of Mozart's Requiem, the powerful voices of the choir, and the graceful movements of a Korean dance troupe.
Can you believe that this is a free performance?
This performance is a concert planned to commemorate the 71st anniversary of the Korean War Armistice.
The cultural level of Korea is rising day by day.
한국전쟁 정전 71주년을 맞아 기획 된 연주회
'영혼으로 빚은 메아리' - 모차르트 레퀴엠