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Metal Decadence - 19 novembre 2020 : Le Tour du Monde de la Planète Metal #3

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Добавлено by Admin В Metal Churche
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THEME: Le Tour du Monde de la Planète Metal #3

01 [Mexique] A CALL FOR REVENGE (2016 Face Judgment) "Sacrilegious Prayer"
02 [Porto Rico] BASTARD CHAIN (2013 Church of the Damned) "Pandora"
03 [Colombie] CARNIVORE DIPROSOPUS (2013 Condemned by the Aliens) "Covenant of Satan Predators"
04 [Chili] CRIES OF DEATH (2013 Slave) "Ashes & Tears"
05 [Argentine] ARSENICA (2013 Renacer ) "Renacer"
06 [Afrique du Sud] IMPERIAL DESTRUCTION (2016 Ruinous) "Age of Ra"
07 [Botswana] CRAKDUST (2007 Dented Reality) "Deranged Psychopath"
08 [Malte] ABYSMAL TORMENT (2009 Omniside) "Omega"
09 [Italie] ADVERSOR (2016 Rise to Survive) "The Triumph Of Terror"
10 [Portugal] BLAME MY VICE (2013 All Might Fall) "Coming Close"
11 [Irlande] ABADDON INCARNATE (2014 Pessimist) "Aborted Genesis"
12 [République Tcheque] BEAST WITHIN THE SOUND (2013 Eternal Conflict) "Problem? Problem Solved!"
13 [Croatie] ANGELSEED (2015 Crimson Dyed Abyss) "Bloodfield"
14 [Bosnie Herzegovine] AFTER OBLIVION (2012 Stamina) "Deliverance"
15 [Serbie] ANGUISH SUBLIME (2014 Unveiling the Origin) "Coffin for a Frozen Desire"
16 [Grèce] ABNORMAL INHUMANE (2017 Disgusting Cruelty Of Homicide) "Insolent Compulation"
17 [Turquie] ALMORA (2004 Shehrâzad) "Fantasy"
18 [Israel] DEMENTED SANITY (2013 Legacy) "Shell"
19 [Irak] ACRASSIAUDA (2015 Gilgamesh) "Rise"
20 [Iran] NEX CARNIS (2012 Death of the Flesh) "The Ascend of Extinction"
21 [Bielarus] DESTROY MY ENEMY (2013 One step, one decision) "Present"
22 [Russie] DEADXHEAD (2006 Regressive By Default) "Dead Head"
23 [Kazakstan] HOLY DRAGONS (2016 Civilizator) "Hawker Hurricane"
24 [Chine] UNREGENERATE BLOOD (2012 Unregenerate Blood (Breathe Live & Fight)) "I Love This Game"
25 [Corée du Sud] SAD LEGEND (2009 The Revenge of Soul) "Axe (도끼)"
26 [Indonesie] CALCULATED BARBARITY (2013 Alkaline Hydrolysis) "Epidemic Of Encephalitis Lethargica"
27 [Maldives] NOTHNEGAL (2012 Decadence) "Salvation"
28 [Australie] ALICE THROUGH THE WINDSHIELD GLASS (2012 Brutalis Australis) "A Painful Awakening"
29 [Nouvelle Zélande] CITY OF SOULS (2020 SYNÆSTHESIA) "Lifeblood"

Tapis Sonore: [Colombie] ARKHANON "Entre el Bien y el Mal" (Power Mélodique)

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