M.A.S.K. by Loyal Subjects & New Mortal Kombat & TMNT McFarlaneToys Figures - New York Toy Fair 2025
Images at ToyNewsI https://toynewsi.com/395-56795
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PO Box 384
Pacifica, CA 94044
Theme Song 25 Cents Available Here!! (cowritten by Isaiah Sanchez) http://www.cdbaby.com/cd/shartimusprime
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ShartimusPrime Biography:
The ShartimusPrime Youtube Channel was launched in 2008, engaging audiences with an edgy sense of humor for adult collectors. Videos are posted about 5 days a week, with almost every video including a stop motion segment with nice serving of punishment served to Marvel Legends Big-Time Let Down Spider-Man! While inspired by Transformers reviews, the channel actually became more popular for Marvel Legends reviews and Spider-Man, Avengers, and X-Men collection display videos.The channel has branched out to review other figure properties aside from Marvel Legends and Transformers, Hot Toys, Star Wars, Diamond Select Toys, McFarlaneToys, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Dragon Ball, Godzilla, Evil Dead, and The Walking Dead toy lines have all been added to the roster of approximately 4,000 videos. Aside from toy reviews, the channel also includes unboxing videos and the occasional documentary-style sketch video. Weekly “Hella Sick Figs” livestreams discussing the latest action figures are every Thursday; with co-host, SentryProductions! Almost all music featured on the Channel is written, recorded, and performed by ShartimusPrime.