Elderly Woman heard screaming during LIVESTREAMS of Former Police Officer - Mike Cerrone
Elderly woman, living with retired Virginia Beach Police Officer has been overheard screaming on livestreams multiple times this week, while the former officer sits online, ignoring her.
We are concerned for her well being and since the livestreams are public, its become a public concern.
This man, Mike Ceroney has stated he works in Federal Government and is allegedly paid by the government to care for this elderly woman.
This video contains real life exerpts from streams by:
HAND BANANA CHANNEL @SterlingPom @RapGod-Rager
THE SHYT SHOW CHANNEL @theshytshow @TheShytShowCommunity
TOMMYDTV CHANNEL @Shady98993 @tommydtv
PLEASE SHARE @combatwombat121
@Probeyy @SeniorCitizenSaul @cheesehead414 @angelnewfoundlife812 @curiousagentwithmikecerrone @frauditortroll @Joshprimeunfiltered @dutchiedoesdrama @blamekatie @lorddoc4959 @aWildGermanLadyAppears
@JDub @wickedweenie7088 @jilljax4329 @squishythecat4781 @squishythecat4731
@ChickieKT @MikeCerronesBasementGloryHole @me_official228 @AskYourBartender
#WELLNESS #POLICE #public #A1 #COPWATCH #DRAMA #elderlycare