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Deus Metallicus - Put on the Whole Armor (Official Lyric Video)

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Добавлено by Admin В Metal Churche
6 Просмотры


"Put on the Whole Armor" was originally composed by Palmer Hartsough. Re-composed with the power of Suno for your viewing pleasure.

About the Hymn's Author:

Born May 7, 1844, Palmer Hartsough at­tend­ed Ka­la­ma­zoo Col­lege and the Mi­chi­gan State Nor­mal school.

After work­ing as a tra­vel­ing sing­ing teach­er in Mi­chi­gan, Il­li­nois, Io­wa, Ohio, Ken­tuc­ky, and Ten­nes­see, he op­ened a mu­sic stu­dio in Rock Is­land, Il­li­nois, around 1877, and di­rect­ed the mu­sic at a Bap­tist church there.

In 1893, he moved to Cin­cin­na­ti, Ohio, where he joined the Fill­more Mu­sic Com­pa­ny. In Cin­cin­na­ti, he was mu­sic di­rect­or at the Beth­el Mis­sion and at the Ninth Street Bap­tist Church.

Hartsough was or­dained a Bap­tist min­is­ter in 1906, serv­ing in On­tar­io, Mi­chi­gan, from 1914 un­til re­tir­ing in 1927. He then re­turned to Ply­mouth, Mi­chi­gan, where he lived the rest of his life.

During his life, Hartsough authored the lyrics to 250 hymns.

#christianmetal #hymn #praise #metal #rock #christianmusic

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