2024-12-20 8PM EDT / 2000 Military Time - Lacrimosa - Mozart / Apashe / Phoenix Entendre Evanesco
2024-12-20 8PM EDT / 2000 Military Time - Lacrimosa - Mozart / Apashe / Phoenix Entendre Evanesco
#lacrimosa #mozart #apashe
#phoenixevanesco #phoenixentendreevanesco
#thepassiveaggressivecollective #ceasefirenow #jesuschrist #jesus #christ #christian #christianity #protestant #catholic #zionism #pedoprotectionprogram #conservative #republican #rightwing #fascism #twoface #twofaced #hypocrite #hypocrisy #childabuseawareness #childabusesurvivor #childabusepreventionmonth #childabuseprevention #childabuseawarenessmonth #thepope #capitalism
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Open Call for Audiovisual Collaborations
Seeking original music, spoken word, meditations
50/50 revenue split
Must own your copyright / Get publisher's permission
To submit work for consideration: https://forms.gle/f2DXhz5dNCyDWR2q7